Friday, December 03, 2004

The Machinist

Trevor Reznik, portrayed by a physically transformed Christian Bale, has been suffering from insomnia for a year. His nerves are frayed and his body is so gaunt he is accused of starting to disappear. After meeting a new worker at the machine shop where he works, Trevor makes an unforgivable mistake that results in a gruesome, career-ending accident for another co-worker. Ostracized by his fellow workers and eaten away by a devastating guilt, Trevor becomes increasingly paranoid that someone will try to exact revenge for his error. No one is exempt from Trevor's suspicion. When the only two people Trevor trusts begin to threaten him, Trevor finds himself alone, hunted, without options. He loses his job, and all hope of love. It seems there is no way out of his spiraling descent until he uncovers a hint that is perhaps the key to what is happening to him. It lies not among the suspects he has been investigating, but is buried in his disquieted psyche. "Anderson tightens the screws of suspense, but it's Bale's gripping, beyond-the-call-of-duty performance that holds you in thrall." -- Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE "The Machinist manages to forge something fresh and unique while clearly showcasing some affection for the film noirs and the twilight zones that came before." -- Scott Weinberg, EFILMCRITIC.COM


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